COVID-19 Update

We are not a COVID-19 testing center.

If you have any of the following symptoms, DO NOT come to the office:

  • Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • Body Aches
  • Headache
  • Cough / Shortness of Breath
  • Traveled or been in contact with someone who has traveled over the past 2 weeks.

Instead, please call us at 413-439-0609.

Additionally, we will not provide “Medical Clearance for Return to Work” letters to employers. If a patient has been told to leave work by their employer, they may return to work at the discretion of their employer.

Important Notice

We have same day availability!

Use the Emergency Room for emergencies only!

If it’s after hours, one of our physicians is always available by phone. They will give you the best advice. We have your medical history available at all times, and we know you best. Call us first before you go to urgent care, as we may be able to help you avoid an unnecessary trip.

Patient Portal

Orchard Medical Associates, LLC HealthCare Support Portal facilitates better communication with your physician’s office by providing convenient 24 x 7 access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.

For more information, visit our Patient Portal page.

Flu Vaccines Available

FLU VACCINES are available for all children ages 18 and under. Please call our office at (413) 439-0609 now for an appointment to receive this important form of disease prevention. All patients ages 19 and older can get your flu vaccines at your local pharmacy and is covered by most insurances.